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Fine-Apple App


The Fine-Apple Company is an online gift-giving service designed to create customized boxes of kindness and joy to send to your loved ones. This is ideal for college ages students or international friends and family and anyone who loves pineapples.

The app was inspired by the phrase: If you were a fruit, you would be a fine-apple. A pineapple is a symbol of welcoming hospitality. The app was designed to relieve the stress of finding the perfect gift and how to send it.

The boxes come in four different sizes with different patterns available for each size. Once a box size is decided, you can scroll through different options to fill the box with. Items like clothing pieces, décor and so forth. The box size will determine the number of items that fit into the box. Each item is designated by size to help with packing. Once completed you can pick out a little note to send in the box to let the receiver know how much you care. After all the items have been put in the box you input the address you want to send the box to and off it goes.

(View the app in the link below)

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